Star Wars: The Last Jedi Often Doesn't Make Sense

There are several indicators of how little sense this film makes, but the most troubling of all is its timeline. The film takes off immediately after the events of its predecessor, yet no one seems to act the same way. How is the First Order not devastated by the loss of Starkiller Base; why is Snoke not skinning Hux and Ren alive for this grievous error?

Boom boom boom... Pow!

Once the action in the film starts, we know that the Resistance fleet have approximately 18 hours of fuel left. I am not sure how many times they jumped to lightspeed before that, but let's just assume all the Resistance activities in this film take around 24 hours; then why does it feel like Rey has been on Ahch-to for days, if not weeks? If we are to believe that this particular planet has a different time cycle than others (happens in Star Trek all the time), that would mean Luke's exile could be 3-4 times longer than regular time. No wonder the man looks so old!

This is a really irksome point. Star Wars films have always had ridiculously tight timelines, but they have always worked in conjunction with each other. Not this one!


Plenty of people have been disheartened by Luke Skywalker's arc in this film, not least Mark Hamill, who disagreed with the director from the get-go (looking back, I think that should have told us there was something not right with this film).

I didn't particularly mind Luke's arc - he couldn't have remained an optimistic farm boy, not after his own nephew turned to the Dark Side and killed his other pupils. But, none of that excuses his ill-treatment of Rey. Luke would never treat anyone poorly, and that is another sign that Johnson, though a fan of Star Wars, didn't write this as a Star Wars film.

Luke may not have agreed to train Rey in the Force, but he would still have helped her and the Resistance, even if only by equipping her with supplies and knowledge. He basically wastes her time, lies to her, then let's her go off on a suicide mission to cure Kylo of the Dark Side.

In the end, he Force-apparates to Crait and fights Kylo, stalling him till the mini-Resistance escapes. Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebellion and the Resistance! Why? Why did we need another Luke story? He got three already, this should have been Rey's story. She should have been fighting the battles, maybe with Luke as her guide, but she disappears from screen.

This is the trouble with token representation - it ticks the boxes but doesn't add any substance. Rey deserves so much better than Johnson can allow himself to write for her. For once, I am glad Abrams is back on a project. He needs to do Rey's story justice.


Talking about Force apparitions - this has been quite divisive because it doesn't make sense. Johnson is hiding behind the falsity that each film has added more Force powers, he's right and wrong. Most have made sense within the universe, but this new one... not so much.

The trouble with Luke’s new power is that it defies all logic. How can he fight and make contact with real, tangible objects when he is nothing more than a illusion? He doesn’t leave footprints on the ground but appears to hit Kylo's lightsaber. I watched carefully during my second viewing and I can’t say for certain if he actually did strike Kylo's lightsaber or not. It could be clever editing that he avoids all contact. But, that doesn’t explain Han's dice. Luke brings Han's dice and hands them to Leia. Whether this alerts Leia to his being an apparition or not we can’t be too sure but then Kylo comes and picks up the dice and they clink just before disappearing in his hands. Like... that does not make sense at all.

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